Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Cylinder Differential Equation!!..

I was looking at a cyllinder and I thought about the differntial equation for it!!..

And I could not find it right away!!..

and it would be V=nr*2h...

But the tha tis the volume...

So dV\dh=2nr*2(dh)...

And how does the volume change as the higth changes...

And takin' a high rise would increase the volume!!...


But what would the volume be if the higth decreases...

Well less volume...

So if the stock rises in price...

Will the volume increase per ser linear hopefully?!!...

So what does it profit a man if he rises in height and his volume...

...increase if...

the bitmat can not contain him?!!...

So it is out of the table picture!!!...


So nothing from nothing is nothing...and that is complete!!


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