Thursday, September 22, 2011

We wouldn't want to be that but nice to be around!!...

"Let's argue that tyrannosaur were predator and not scabangers, we'll...we'll...

the way I see it...we could be come the the lead of the nation, but then what to do with the rest of the problem congress can solve in a more effective way...

And talking about what we can do, we can sum up what we have and do with that...

I had a thought that if we are the lead nation, why do Arab would not dare entreat trouble with us...

And we oil for energy for support but we can drill up a situation and don't have to resort to the tyrrany of those malecstruss creed...

Well any ways, everythig is in line now...we pass the turkey so I can get a nip out that...

And I tell you...I feel great today...

And someone told that if I just smile everyone will smile back and that is all we need...


This is dictum not about a person but a precept itself...

That problems will just go away if we just put them out of our mind...


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