Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Clean Your House and Capitol Hill...!!

Chapter 86 The Media crowd outside Dessie's front door hadn't gotten any smaller. It actually seemed bigger. It was starting to resemble outside courtrooms for notable courts cases in New York. Jacob knew all about them. He'd had to fight his way through a phanax of reporters and microphones on numberous occassions. "Okay," She said with a sigh. " I take it they aren't hungry yet . Nobody is leaving." Postcard Killers Liza Marklund ------------------------ Frat?.. Yeoh?... I hearing the Supreme Court is leaning to make the Arizona Law to question to point of origin of some mayshift illegals in this country... I say that is wonderful because some from Holland are hard to pickup because they look..."American" per ser... And some Bulgarians look Italian... And it would be a good decision to gook some out of our Country... Because looking "American" can be a sure way to get under the rug in our country and detriment our National Security... And we would not question to look at the Capitol Hill bunch and... and see if we are secure... Becuase the poison is not the one obvious but those who look like if they belong with us but their hear and agenda is in some foreing ambassy file somewhere... So the Decision must be made in heaven to secure our sherrifs to question anyone the intentions of their hear as to where they are from and prove with documents proven to be legal and legitimate... It is time to awaken from our sleep and not everyone yellow strand is "American" and neither everone wishes the best for American and the American children... Just remember what happened to our little frat in California violating their Civil Rights make our Constitution a toilet closet shamble... BSOM\thbg Wolves in Sheep's clothing said Jesus... skit in bible

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