Thursday, December 8, 2011


44 B.C.: Year Marcus tullius Cicero wrote 'Laelius de Amicitia', about two real-life friends, one mourning the others death. The philosopher used the story to explain the qualities and virtues of true frienship...

December 2011

As Kim explained,the true purpose of educationis to give a personthe power to take informationprocess it into knoowledge. If a person has no financial education, they cannot process information. They do not know the difference between an asset or a liability, capital gians or cash flow...

UNFAIR advantage
Robert T.Kiyosaki

And the basic seceret of investing is if you cannot give take. and hoe that works is that We give to invest and We take to share on the remedies of the taling. Making freins is an invesrment to give of what others don't have and take a nip at what blessing others have but to remedy the take with another investment in thans to them in tangible way...

Lip service does not worka and neither does fraud on con-artistry, it always pays dividendns on the evil we do...

And certainly we cannot be remedy to other for everything, but a little courtesy and cordiality goes a along way to show that we respect how God thinks in a sicerely tangible way to to help us when we call and or imatita him...


I was a sranger and you let me in, in prison and you came to vsit me...



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