Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Book of Ze Keriah Hazer Menso!!..

In the Book of Zechariah we turn to where we have the two o-love- it trees!!

On one side is Mose and on the other is Elijah!!..

Perceiving that Moses brought the law and Elijah brought fire from heaven redemption!!..

And we need law and statehood and moral principles, but we need redemption of good and service to keep operating!!..

And we can have all the moral and ethic proclures and dogma in colleges and sermons and seminars and speeches and talks and...

But also need to the infrusctures to keep operating physically and monetarily to proclude those goods and our national security!!...

Undermining our moral priciples to have law that reflect God, well undermined the hope that God will provide for our security or our national goods and services in infructure to keep operating and to keep of free and just...

Have a peaceful life where we don't live in fear of being subjected to futulity and poverty and just poor report from all directions...

Hobo de Nantiki

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