Friday, July 8, 2011

The Wellapando de Wallapagando Person visits the White House

WW: In ways percieving that I have everything paid...I can proceed!!..

Nanotick: Well a a minute...Wellapando person...I kind of understood you would...

...Walapagando....right away!!..

Well Person: Well...Well...Well...the way I see it...sigh!...

Nethertick Person: Listen stupido...don't wella...mmm....wella....wella....or...wela something me...

Wall Person: I think if we invest in this port...folia...

we can...mmm?!

Maybe Pagando Person: Any ways percieving...that we could pay this off...but we can offset if we redoo the plan!...

Well By Now Given Up Person: We if we pray enough and fast enough and tithe enough and if someone could pay more of their taxes we could pull this through!!...

Between the Wall and a Hard Palace Person: The item at hand is to...reorganize the system and restructure the plan and retool the industry and maybe foreing import can increase...and we will be in the clear...mmm...percievabley...yeah I can see that happening...yeah...I see it now!!..

Nana Left Tick Person: Amigos and companieros and or company-ieros...or good companyiersors...any ways per-receiveing the thanks we need...we lend me you ears...I think that what Lincoln said...No...troubled...who said that anyways...I need my ear to hear amigo!!...

Citizen who happen to crash Party: Mmmm...companiiirs...oiga...callese paresen burros...!!

...*******stupidos*******and thoughtful freind of the Press or amigos se puedo mas...

Lady in Black Garmet: Ok...dumm dumms is the police this meeting is out of hand...I can believe this herd of...mmm...ooogh!!

Nantiki Hobo: Back to my sense again...I want to thank you for coming and partcipating in this agenda of moderdernation or morderdernation...morederation....yeah...moderation...have good in all thing like me moderation...dios me perdon...como me saldo de aqui...pos donde fuer is the puerta in this space ship place... no ay puerta de este ...bueno...un trago y no por otro...parejito...muy bonito...flajito y pardito bonito...

Nantiki Hobo

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