Thursday, March 15, 2012

A Prayer of David

Bow down thine ear O' Lord, hear me: for I AM poor and needy.

Preserve my soul: for I AM holy: O' thou my God, save thy servant that trusteth in thee.

Be Merciful unto me, O' Lord: for cry unto thee daily.

Rejoice the soul of thy servant: for unto thee, O' Lord do I lift up my soul.

For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive: and plentenous in Mercy unto all them that call upon thee.

Old Testament


Region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the Middle East, contitution the greater part of Iraq. The region's location and fertililty gave rise to settlements from c. 10,000 BC, and it became the cradle of civilizations of writing. I was first settled by the Sumarians, who were succeeded by the Akkadians and later by the Babylonians..

Succesive peoples came to dominate the region until the rise of the Persian Achaemenian dynasty in the sixth century BC..

The area became British madate in 1920; the following year Iraq was stablished there..

Glad You Asked
Michael Feldman
Encyclopedia Brittanica
Four things God want you to know

1. You need to be saved for there is no one righteous- Eccles. 7:20

2. You can not save yourself- Man is not justified by Works of any kind- Galac. 2:16

3. God has made provision for your salvation- Christ became sin for us so We could become Just in his Presence- 2Cor. 5:21

4. God will help you fight temptation- God knows how to save from temptation those who are holy and reserve the unjust to torment them in the day of Judgement. 2Peter 2:9

Sowers of Seed, Inc.

Now Abramham was from Mesopotamia where now Iraq is. And he was raise up in the Sumerian religion of that time in Haran. And he had no special dottage of any kind being a Babylonian.

He also did sacrifices and one day 'God' from Heaven told him 'Sacrifice you Son' and He thought that sounds right and right about where He was to take out his own Son's heart out, a voice came from Heaven and said 'hold that' thought and take an entelope that is trapped in the bushes and kill it instead...

And 'God' said to him, 'Now I see that you will do as I say' and later He put out the maid and his child to the wilderness and gave her and her sucling child only one day ration to survive because his Maids child, Sarah said, shall not compart the blessing of the promises to my child and 'God' said do as she says...

And this 'God' thinking to preserve the blessing to the Promise Child well did not know that Ishmael had the Promise of being the first Born no matter which womb he came out...

And comes to pass that the off-spring of the first born git the the firs cut of the blessing of God in Christ. And God put a chism in both children so they would never compart that blessing of Christ...

So if you build a trap, sure you build it so it doesn't catch you springing it as you set it...


The last will come first and the first last...

New Testament

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