Thursday, April 5, 2012

Kant Miss or Miss Kant...Nix...

Portia nudged me from musings and I realized a speech was required, so I blurred, ‘I want to see Freds grovel.’

The girls started clapping and banging their legs on whatever they could. Spurred by the show of ‘belle espirit’, I continued, ‘I want to rinse him good and proper. Horrible boy, hiding his nasty cruel streak under such lovely sticky-outy hair and kissable lips.’

Dumping Princes
Tyne O’Connel


“I have entered into my garden,
sister and girlfriend of mine,
I have taken my Mirra and my perfumes,
I have tasted the honey from my honey-comb,
I have dipped into my wine and my milk.”

Old Testament

Osiris was the god of the underworld in ancient mythology, and Isis was his sister and girlfriend,

Orison means a special speech…or petition…you know…

Isis was the frat of Osiris…

And finally…Orion is a constellation next to Taurus…


Oriole is a yellow and orange bird.. with black or a bird of many colors…

And Katniss is name given to those who ‘Kant Miss’ or Miss Kent, the girlfriend of Superman and she had supernatural protection to always wins even if she is weak, skitsy, silly, occurrente and kind hard to figure out like you and me…

God is my helper, I shall not want…


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